One embodiment of the apparatus includes clothing depicting a selected body anatomy so that when the clothing is associated with the body to be massaged the clothing presents the location of the body system of interest. Such clothing preferably forms a visual aid that is associated with a body to be massaged that shows (a) the location of a muscle system (with or without labels) perhaps including a split view overlaying muscles and underlying muscles, (b) a skeletal system depicting bony landmarks and origin, insertion and function of attached muscles, (c) a lymphatic system showing circulation paths, (d) the nine regions and quadrants of a human body, and (e) the location of organs and acupressure points including chakras. Such a visual aid would preferably be useful for allowing a student to better comprehend the meaning of terms such as medial, lateral, prone, and supine and the locations of body "landmarks."


< Method Of and Light System For Dance Instruction

> Method and apparatus for technology-enhanced science education

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