The method implements time-optimized acquisition of special spectra using a scanning microscope, for which purpose the spectrum is subjected to bisecting interval measurements. The method for time-optimized acquisition of special spectra (emission spectra) using a scanning microscope is implemented in several steps. Firstly a complete spectrum to be examined, within which at least one special spectrum (emission spectrum) is located, is split into at least two intervals. The interval in which the intensity lies above a specific threshold is selected. That interval is split into at least two further intervals, and the procedure is continued until the size of the interval corresponds to the lower limit of the scanning microscope's measurement accuracy. The location of the special spectrum in the complete spectrum is defined, and an interval around it is created and is measured linearly.


< Variable optical attenuator

< Optical link module, optical interconnection method, information processor including the optical link module, signal transfer method, prism and method of manufacturing the prism

> Optical system

> Optical resonator formed in a planar optical waveguide with distributed optical structures

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