Sodium copper titanate compositions containing a rare earth, yttrium or bismuth


This invention provides compositions of the formula Na.sub.0.5 M.sub.0.5 Cu.sub.3 Ti.sub.4 O.sub.12 wherein M=La--Lu, Y, Bi or mixtures thereof. These compositions have high dielectric constant and low loss over a frequency range of from about 1 kHz to about 1 MHz.

Deze uitvinding verstrekt daarvan samenstellingen van de formule Na.sub.0.5 M.sub.0.5 Cu.sub.3 Ti.sub.4 O.sub.12 waarin M=La -- Lu, Y, Bi of mengsels. Deze samenstellingen hebben hoge diƫlektrische constante en laag verlies over een frequentiewaaier van van ongeveer 1 kHz aan ongeveer 1 MHz.


< Acid-dyeable polymer compositions

< Tufted pile structure having binder concentrated beneath the backstitches

> Single dosage oxidizing treatment

> Process for the high-speed rotary application of liquid coating agents

~ 00112