A method for delivery of a licensed toolset to a software publisher for creating license-managed software products is disclosed. The method comprises providing an authorization process, and implementing the authorization process for both a toolset publisher and related toolset and a software publisher and related software product, whereby the same authorization process is used to obtain respective licenses. The authorization process includes creating a first public and private key pair for the software publisher, creating a second public and private key pair for the software product, creating an authorization program for the software program, with embedded copies of the first and second public keys, and combining the software program and the authorization program, such that when the authorization program is invoked, the authorization program obtains a license for controlling the use of the software program. The license is obtained by creating a license request, encrypting the license request using the second private key, transmitting the license request to a key authority, receiving a license from the key authority with license terms, decrypting the license, and using the license terms to control the use of the software program.

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~ 00617