An accessory for affixmentation to a recreational flying disk is disclosed in the form of a separate apparatus that is readily compatible and adaptable to any flying disk that will greatly enhance the flight distance length and the other flight characteristics of that retrofitted disk because of the centrifugal power, ballast stabilization and lift capability that the disclosed invention apparatus transmutes to the said flying disk. The disclosed apparatus, in conjunction with it being the aforementioned aerodynamic catalyst that it becomes once it is affixed to the said thrown flying disk, also can transform the said disk into a flying disk that can skip across the surface of a body of water not unlike a flat stone used for centuries for the same results--that same body of water that would render an ordinary flying disk as immobile upon contact with it now can be considered as just another obstacle to cross just as easily as flying aerially. The many variations of embodiments that are possible and probable are capable of being manufactured in an inexpensive method or manner such as by plastic molding or injection in and as a lightweight composite, which is a proven material both in the durability and safety factorage in the art of recreational flying disks.


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~ 00589