A reverse configuration, lithium thin film battery (300) having a buried lithium anode layer (305) and process for making the same. The present invention is formed from a precursor composite structure (200) made by depositing electrolyte layer (204) onto substrate (201), followed by sequential depositions of cathode layer (203) and current collector (202) on the electrolyte layer. The precursor is subjected to an activation step, wherein a buried lithium anode layer (305) is formed via electroplating a lithium anode layer at the interface of substrate (201) and electrolyte film (204). The electroplating is accomplished by applying a current between anode current collector (201) and cathode current collector (202).

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< Negative electrode having intermetallic compound that occludes/desorbs lithium as an active material layer on collector for non-aqueous secondary battery and non-aqueous secondary battery using the same

> Binder and electrode for lithium battery, and lithium battery containing the same

> Cathode active material and lithium secondary battery containing them

~ 00567