The apparatus has a sensor disposed on the first end of an elongate connector by means of fixed interface link. A recorder unit is disposed on the second end of the connector opposite the first end. The connector is bendable within a predefined curvature range. When the apparatus is deployed into the sea, it is adapted to free-fall through the body of water and to land on the seafloor such that the sensor is spaced apart from the recorder unit. The apparatus is additionally adapted to substantially vibrationally de-couple the sensor from the recorder unit. The length of the connector is dynamically variable within a predefined range so as to minimize vibration coupling between the recorder unit to the sensor. Physical separation of the sensor and the recorder unit, together with the mechanical characteristics of the connector, ensure that the sensor is substantially vibrationally de-coupled from the recorder unit.


< Device for modifying the hull of a floating body

> System for mounting equipment and structures offshore

> Kick boat

~ 00542