A method for simulating the insertion of a data storage medium into or removal of a data storage medium from an input/output station, alternatively referred to as an import/output station. In one application of the invention, a data storage resides in an I/O station slot. A first variable corresponding to this slot is modified to indicate that the slot is actually empty. A command is issued indicating that the I/O station has been accessed, triggering a scan of the slot by an automated robotic accessor. Since the accessor will detect that the slot is, in fact, full, it will report this status to a library manager which will, in turn, update the first variable. The action of updating this variable is reported to associated devices such as a host computer, host application, or other associated device. In this manner, the operation of the library manager and devices receiving status information may be tested without requiring that a physical data storage medium actually be removed and re-inserted.

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~ 00521