An extendable electronic discharge staff will consist of a central sliding member translating within a tubular body member to be positioned by the means of a spring-loaded ball detent. When the central sliding member is positioned, it will be locked in place by the means of a locking nut at the distal end of the tubular body member. A forward adjustable handgrip will be located and locked into position along the length of the tubular body member to accommodate the size and comfort of the person using the device. By rotating the rear hand grip, the device will be turned on or off, and by sliding the rear handgrip forward or backward a high or low voltage will be delivered to the distal contact end of the central sliding member. On an alternate embodiment having three contact positions, the default center position delivers low voltage while both forward and backward outer positions deliver high voltage. This action gives the operator two different voltage capabilities along with a visible snapping arc to indicate the potential of the device. A sealed cylindrical housing fixed to the rear of the tubular body member will house a removable battery pack and electronic control module. The device is capable of giving a momentary delivery, a prolonged delivery, or several prolonged deliveries and has been designed not to stun an individual unless necessary, giving the unruly individual several warnings in advance.


< Back-up electric power generator for electronic components attached to automatic firearms

> Breach plug for muzzleloading rifle

> Adjustable rear pistol sight and sight mounting and adjustment method

~ 00516