An automated energy consulting system and method is provided comprising an interactive input system linked to calculation algorithms and databases of energy-related products and services, affiliated service providers, and climate, financing and regulatory criteria. The system generates proposals of available energy-related products, services and financing options, and obtains and aggregates customer commitments to allow discounted purchasing of the components. Customers can earn referral commissions to encourage customers and volunteers to virally disseminate the access information. For customers not eligible for beneficial products and services because of regulatory deficiencies, the system automates the customer education process to encourage them to advocate politically for the changes that will make them eligible. The automation of the energy consulting and marketing process, mass customization, demand aggregation, and viral marketing reduce customer acquisition and component purchasing costs and reduce the price to consumers, creating new economically viable markets for environmentally friendly energy-related products and services.


< Financial system for isolated economic environment

> Distributed electronic commerce system with centralized virtual shopping carts

> System and method for collection, distribution, and use of information in connection with commercial real estate

~ 00508