The present invention is directed to a system, method and computer program for enabling an auditor of a live speech to access immediately after or at a later time, complementary information related with terms pronounced during this speech. The system associates hyperlinks (i.e., URLs) with selected terms or words likely to be pronounced by the speaker in the course of the speech. A speech recognition system operating on a speaker device (i.e., a computing system a with a microphone connected to it) recognizes during the speech (i.e., word spotting) the pronunciation by the speaker of anyone of said hyperlinked terms, and records the time at which each recognized hyperlinked term has been pronounced. The system is also based on the synchronization of the speaker device with several auditors devices (e.g., workstations, portable computers, personal digital assistants--PDAs, smart phones, or any other type of handheld computing devices) according to a same universal time, so that the flow of information transmitted by the speaker and received by the auditors is always synchronized, independently of the relative positions of the speaker and auditors. Each time the auditor perceives an interesting topic during the speech, he immediately selects the topic simply by pressing a reserved key on the auditor's device. Universal times at which topics are selected by the auditor are stored in the auditor device.


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~ 00504