The origin address of an e-mail message is validated to enable blocking of e-mail from spam e-mail sources, by preparing, in response to the receipt of a predetermined e-mail message from an unverified source address, a data key encoding information reflective of the predetermined e-mail message. This message, including the data key, is then issued to the unverified source address. The computer system then operates to detect whether a response e-mail message, responsive to the challenge e-mail message, is received and whether the response e-mail message includes a response key encoding predetermined information reflective of a predetermined aspect of the challenge e-mail message. The unverified source address may be recorded in a verified source address list. Thus, when an e-mail message is received, the computer may operate to accept receipt of a predetermined e-mail message on condition that the source address of the predetermined e-mail message is recorded in the verified source address list and alternatively on condition that the predetermined e-mail message includes the response key.


< Message rendering for identification of content features

> Temporal access control for computer virus prevention

~ 00493