A method for performing correction in an autocalibrated, multi-shot MR imaging data acquisition includes performing correction on k-space data in an autocalibration region for each shot individually and then combining the corrected k-space data from each shot to form a corrected reference autocalibration region. Uncorrected source k-space data points are "trained to" the corrected k-space data from the corrected reference autocalibration region to determine coefficients that are used to synthesize corrected k-space data in the outer, undersampled regions of k-space. Similarly, acquired k-space lines in the outer, undersampled regions of k-space may also be replaced by corrected synthesized k-space data. The corrected k-space data from the corrected reference autocalibration region may be combined with the synthesized corrected k-space data for the outer, undersampled regions of k-space to reconstruct corrected images corresponding to each coil element. The corrected images corresponding to each coil element may be combined into a resultant image.

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