The invention is a trivia board game in which each player attempts to answer trivia questions in order to advance on the board. Each player retains his or her game piece by designating their year of birth, which translates over to the Chinese zodiac animal involving the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. The first player rolls both dice, while the player to the right picks up a card, announces the year, and reads the question from the corresponding color category designated on the dice. The person being asked the questions has two minutes to respond correctly in order to advance. Once the time runs out, the player reading the question, yells "ALL PLAY!", which enables all of the players, excluding the reading player, from answering the question and advancing on the game board. If a player lands on a "You Ought To Remember" space, he or she must respond to a trivia question from a "You Ought To Remember" card designated by rolling the numbered die. The game progresses through all of the players in the same fashion until a player reaches the end of the game board, at which point he or she has won the game.


< Remote control toy top

> Game controller spatial detection

~ 00481