An absorbent article having an upper, liquid-permeable cover layer (2), a lower, liquid-impermeable backsheet (4), an absorbent body (6) arranged between the cover layer (2) and the backsheet (4), and an air-exchange system arranged between the cover layer (2) and the backsheet (4) having at least one air-exchange (5; 43) and at least one air-exchange duct (10) having a longitudinal extension and a cross-sectional area, the air-exchange duct (10) constituting a communicating duct with regard to air communication between the air-exchange (5; 43) and the surroundings of the absorbent article. The air-exchange (5; 43) comprises a material which is compressible and resilient in all directions, essentially non-absorbent and air-permeable, and the air-exchange duct (10) has a compressible and resilient, essentially non-absorbent material, the air-exchange duct displaying air-permeability.


< Medicated tampon

> Disposable absorbent article having barrier leg cuff and elasticized outer leg cuff

~ 00480