The invention relates to medicine, in particular to acupuncture reflexotherapy. The inventive method consists in introducing a needle provided with a volume, plate or annular-shaped head into one of the predetermined, for example, auricular acupuncture points of a patient, wherein taking it through under the skin, the needle free end is withdrawn from the other predetermined point and a detachable retainer having plate or volume shape is secured thereon. The retainer can also be designed non-detachable and be formed by a bended free end of the needle rod. A required rate of lowering an excessive body weight is provided by exposure the zones of the indicated points to the head and/or retainer weight, or/and by changing a contact area thereof with the indicated points, and/or by a progradient correlation of intensity of the action on these points. In order to enhance the effect, pins and suspension members are used on the head and/or the retainer, as well as a contoured and/or wave-shaped surface of the needle rod. The proposed method and the needle design allow for a more efficient action on the selected acupuncture points, thereby significantly reducing the patient's excessive body weight or treating his or her diseases.



> Degradable Cage Coated With Mineral Layers For Spinal Interbody Fusion

~ 00458