The present invention provides a layout yield improvement tool that performs wire spreading to optimize integrated circuit (IC) designs in the physical design stage after detail routing. Preferably, the wire spreading is performed on a geotopological layout. Each modifiable wire thereof is processed to generate a geometric bottom-up shape (BUS) and a top-down shape (TDS). The BUS and TDS are merged to form a final geometrical Middle Shape (MS). Each point in the MS has a position is averaged from the positions of the two correlated points in the BUS and TDS. Unnecessary short jogs are removed from the MS of each wire. A final layout is generated by combining all of the final geometric shapes of each wire segments. As such, the wire-to-wire spacing is increased to more than the minimum spacing requirement without causing any design rule violations.


< Reliable real-time transport protocol

> Roadside warning flasher

~ 00435