The present invention provides a gaming device, and more particularly a gaming device having a multi-round bonus scheme wherein each round has a probability of success. In one embodiment, the game maintains and displays a group of symbols, each symbol having an associated selector with which a player can select the symbol. The game also maintains and associates an item with the group, whereby the game can associate a variable quantity of the item with one or more of the symbols of the group. The player preferably chooses one selector and thus one symbol from each group of symbols. If the chosen symbol has an associated item, the game awards the player with a prize. If the player chooses a symbol unassociated with an item, the game does not award the player with a prize. Each round provides a group of symbols with different probabilities of the association of items to symbols.


< Multipurpose souvenir kit

> Gaming device having a multiple symbol swapping game

~ 00431