A micro-electromechanical device is formed on a substrate. The device has sliding, abrading or impacting surfaces. At least one of these surfaces is covered with an anti-stiction material. The anti-stiction material is provided from a slicon compound precursor (e.g. silane, silanol) or multiple silicon compound precursors. Preferably the precursor(s) is fluorinated--more preferably perfluorinated, and is deposited with a solvent as a low molecular weight oligomer or in monomeric form. Examples include silanes (fluorinated or not) with aromatic or polycyclic ring sturctures, and/or silanes (fluorinated or not) having alkenyl, alkynyl, epoxy or acrylate groups. Mixtures either or both of these groups with alkyl chain silanes (preferably fluorinated) are also contemplated.

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