A garment for the transporting, observing, entertaining, training, and displaying of small animals, reptiles and insects (gerbils, mice, snakes, tarantulas, spiders, lizards, etc.) in the tunnels of the garment while on the shoulders of their owners. The garment consists of a see-through, mesh washable fabric panel on top and a brightly colored washable panel underneath, attached to each other using releasable fasteners. The fasteners also provide means to construct tunnel walls and nesting areas for the small animal. The fasteners further provide attachment to the garment tunnel's floor and walls for toys and other paraphernalia to entertain the pet and adorn the garment. This garment allows the owner to hold, observe, and transport his pet without damaging or soiling his clothes while his pet has a tunnel in which to play and rest safely. Also the owner can remove toys, food and nesting material in order to launder the garment.

Web www.patentalert.com

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