What is presented is a system and method by which a visually impaired worker could easily and quickly navigate menu options on touch screen displays. An Audible Feedback ON/OFF Switch is provided which turns the audible feedback feature of the present invention on or off. The software monitoring which row/column areas of the touch screen's display grid have been touched by the user in response to a menu option selection is made switchable into one of two modes. A first mode is when the audible feedback feature is OFF or otherwise disabled. In this mode the software operates the touch screen's menu selections in the normal manner in which the machine is intended to perform. When a user selects an option, the option is immediately activated whether it be a machine activity or a jump to another level of menus. A second mode is when the audible feedback feature has been turned ON or otherwise activated. In this mode a two step process is activated such that when a user makes a first touch of a menu option a sound or voice is audibly played indicating the nature of the particular menu option just selected. A second consecutive touch of the same menu option then actually activates the machine activity associated with that particular menu option.

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