The invention relates to solid detergent compositions comprising an aluminosilicate builder and an anionic surfactant and comprising (n) components (i), n being at least 2, whereby the level of aluminosilicate builder in said components together is at least 5% by weight of the composition and the level of the anionic surfactant in said components together is at least 5% by weight of the composition, and whereby the degree of mixture (M) of the anionic surfactant and the aluminosilicate builder is from 0 to 0.7, as defined in the description.


< Detergent compositions comprising a mannanase and a soil release polymer

< -1.3-1.6 glucan (Aureobasidium medium)

> (1R, 2S, 5R)-3-1-menthoxyalkan-1-OL cooling sensate

> Polycation-sensing receptor in aquatic species and methods of use thereof

~ 00220