A table-based wired information system includes a table having a plurality of actual positions designed to receive people and a monitor positioned so as to be observed by people at any of the plurality of actual positions. A flat ribbon cable with a plurality of electrical conductors less than the number of available positions is affixed to an under-surface of the table in a flat orientation by an adhesive backing. A plurality of vote boxes, each including a multi-position switch, are adhesively attached to the under-surface at each of the actual positions. The cable is coupled to the monitor system and each of the vote boxes is coupled to the cable intermediate the ends by a press-on insulation displacement connector.

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< Role managed collaborative learning support system and method

< Method and device for training the tactile perception of a marksman, in particular a sport marksman

> On-line educational system having an electronic notebook feature

> Apparatus and method for training using a human interaction simulator

~ 00220