The invention provides a technique for pattern recognition that employs a state machine that incorporates a sequence of table-look-up operations. A sequence of input parameters, derived according to an application-specific algorithm, generates a corresponding sequence of memory addresses for these operations. The memory tables are organized in a hierarchical structure that corresponds to the input sequence. Table data is designed to recognize a specific library of input patterns. An input sequence traces an input-specific path through the memory tables until one of the patterns in the library is recognized or until it is determined that the input sequence is inconsistent with f the library patterns. For each library pattern, the table data is designed to accommodate the variations in the input values that are specific to the application (e.g., variations due to noise and/or tolerances). Table data can be derived by analysis, simulation, learning or a combination of these methods. The invention can replace neural networks or DSP correlation techniques in real-time applications. It achieves very high performance by comparing the input sequence to all of the patterns in the library simultaneously. The invention can be employed to improve the image quality of a caligraphic display system that uses flat-panel display technology. A method for improving the performance of display systems that employ image memories.


< Image processing method and apparatus

< Method for determining attitude of an object

> Personal authentication system using fingerprint information, registration-and-authentication method for the system, determination method for the system, and computer-readable recording medium

> Automated discovery, assignment, and submission of image metadata to a network-based photosharing service

~ 00214