A virtual reality (VR)-based test battery wherein various neurobehavioral performance skills, including motor skills, sensory-perceptual skills, attention, and decision-making can be measured in human subjects. The invention can be used as a screening method within a virtual environment to provide an overall measure of general brain function relating to behavioral ability. In addition, the invention provides comprehensive VR-based neurobehavioral examinations tailored to individual subjects which can automatically self-adjust during operation in accordance with the specific purpose of the assessment, or for forms of cognitive or physical rehabilitation. According to the invention, patients with neurological and psychiatric dysfunctions can be assessed with physiologic monitoring as well as with anatomical and functional neuroimaging to non-invasively map the functional neuroanatomic correlates of VR-based test performance. In a preferred embodiment, the VR-based neurobehavioral testing system is portable allowing computerized tests to be administered in a desk-top or lap-top configuration, or via the Internet for tele-assessment of human subjects who are physically inaccessible to the test administrator. In a particularly preferred embodiment, the method of the invention is used for vocational assessment and training, wherein individual test scores are combined into a final metric useful for assessing a candidate's qualifications for employment, or certification in a particular skill.

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~ 00211