Method and apparatus for automated flexible configuring of notifications and activation


A preferences option maintains preferences for enabling and disabling notifications for device(s) of an electronic device. The notifications are for any of e-mails, phone calls, or other communications, or events (datebook alarms, for example). One or more devices may produce notifications, and individual preferences for each device may be maintained, or a single set of notifications preferences may direct the output of notifications for each device. The notifications preferences includes a schedule option that allows a time period where the notifications may be specifically enabled or disabled automatically. In one embodiment, the notifications preferences control notifications only, and in other embodiments, the notification preferences control notifications and whether or not the devices themselves are enabled or operating (for example, turning a cell phone device off). A confirmation screen is provided that positively identifies whether the device(s) are RF enabled or not (and therefore safe to enter an airport, hospital, or other no RF zone).


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