Bistable actuation techniques, mechanisms, and applications


A bistable structure provided by the invention is characterized as including a deflection element that has mechanically constrained end points and a compliant span between the end points that is substantially free to deflect between two stable positions when a force is applied at a point along the span. The deflection element span is provided, as-fabricated, curved in one of the two stable positions and in a mechanically unstressed condition along the length of the span. The as-fabricated curve of the deflection element span includes a curve maxima at a point along the span length that is at least about of the span length from the end points of the span. The deflection element span is constrained to substantially prohibit development of a second bending mode that is characteristic for the span as the element deflects between the two stable positions.


< Measurements of electromagnetic properties and interactions based on radiation-excited polarizations

< Field emission devices using ion bombarded carbon nanotubes

> Simultaneous stimulation and concentration of cells

> Derived data display adjustment system

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