Catalyst layer edge protection for enhanced MEA durability in PEM fuel cells


A membrane electrode assembly comprising an ionically conductive member and an electrode, wherein the electrode is a smooth, continuous layer that completely covers and supports the ionically conductive member. The electrode further comprises a central region and a peripheral region, wherein a gradient of electrochemically active material exists between the central region and the peripheral region such that a content of the electrochemically active material is greater in the central region than the peripheral region.

Un montaje del electrodo de la membrana que abarca un miembro ionically conductor y un electrodo, en donde el electrodo es una capa lisa, continua que totalmente las cubiertas y apoyan a miembro ionically conductor. El electrodo más futuro abarca una región central y una región periférica, en donde un gradiente del material electroquímico activo existe entre la región central y la región periférica tales que un contenido del material electroquímico activo es mayor en la región central que la región periférica.


< Gasket assembly

< Current-collecting structure in fuel cell system

> Noble metal-containing supported catalyst and a process for its preparation

> Textured graphite sheet infused with a sealant

~ 00165