Novel fruit fillings, methods for their manufacture and their use in nutritional products


A fruit filling containing pureed fruit and wheat gluten is described. A nutritional bar comprising such fruit filling also is described. Methods of producing the fruit filling and bar also are described.

Описан плодоовощ заполняя содержащ pureed клейковину плодоовощ и пшеницы. Описана питательная штанга состоя из такого плодоовощ заполняя также. Методы производить завалку плодоовощ и штанга также описаны.


< High-protein, reduced-carbohydrate bakery and other food products

< Reduced cholesterol brown eggs

> Ground fish meat products starting with protease-containing fish meat

> Method for producing flavored and savory sausage products and products produced thereby

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