Hydrangea plant named `Little Lamb`


A distinct cultivar of Hydrangea plant named `Little Lamb`, characterized by its upright and outwardly arching plant habit; inflorescences held upright and outward on strong stems; compact, dense and conical-shaped inflorescences; and numerous flowers per inflorescence.

Un cultivar distinct d'usine de Hydrangea a appelé le ` peu de Lamb`, l'a caractérisé par son montant et habitus de la plante extérieurement de courbement ; les inflorescences ont tenu le montant et extérieur sur les tiges fortes ; inflorescences compactes, denses et de forme conique ; et nombreuses fleurs par inflorescence.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Geranium plant named `Cheryl's Shadow`

< Rose plant named `POULht003`

> Hybrid Tea rose plant named `Twoagain`

> Spiraea plant named `Wilma`

~ 00148