Bracteantha plant named `Redbramag`


A new and distinct cultivar of Bracteantha named `Redbramag`, characterized by its compact and bushy growth habit; upright, outwardly spreading and rounded plant form; freely-flowering habit; red purple-colored involucral bracts and yellow orange-colored disc florets; and short and strong peduncles that hold inflorescences above the foliage.

Un cultivar nuevo y distinto de Bracteantha nombró el ` Redbramag`, caracterizado por su hábito compacto y espeso del crecimiento; vertical, exterior el separarse y forma redondeada de la planta; hábito libre-floreciente; brácteas involucral pu'rpura-coloreadas rojas y floretes de color naranja amarillos del disco; y peduncles cortos y fuertes que sostienen inflorescencias sobre el follaje.


< Chrysanthemum plant named `Mega Time Pure White`

< Calibrachoa plant named `KLEC02064`

> Bracteantha plant named `Redbrared`

> Hypericum plant named `Bonaire`

~ 00144