Dipole arrangements using dielectric substrates of meta-materials


The invention concerns a dipole antenna of reduced size and with improved impedance bandwidth. The antenna is preferably formed on a dielectric substrate having a plurality of regions, each having a characteristic relative permeability and permittivity. First and second dipole radiating element defining conductive paths can be selectively formed on first characteristic regions of the substrate having a first characteristic permeability and first permittivity. A reactive coupling element can be interposed between the dipole radiating elements for reactively coupling the first dipole radiating element to the second dipole radiating element.

_ invención tratar uno dipolo antena reducir tamaño y con improved impedancia anchura de banda. _ antena ser preferible formar en uno dieléctrico substrato tener uno pluralidad región, cada tener uno característico relativo permeabilidad y constante. _ primero y segundo dipolo radiating elemento defining conductor trayectoria poder ser selectivo formar en primero característico región substrato tener uno primero característico permeabilidad y primero constante. _ uno reactivo acoplador elemento poder ser interponer entre dipolo radiating elemento para reactivo acoplador primero dipolo radiating elemento segundo dipolo radiating elemento. _

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