Investigational compounds


The present invention is directed to compounds and pharmaceutical compositions comprising the compounds which are inhibitors of the enzyme gamma secretase and which are useful in the treatment or prevention of diseases in which the beta-amyloid peptide is involved, such as Alzheimer's disease.

De onderhavige uitvinding wordt geleid aan samenstellingen en farmaceutische samenstellingen bestaand uit de samenstellingen die inhibitors van enzymgamma secretase zijn en die in de behandeling of de preventie van ziekten nuttig zijn waarbij bèta-amyloidpeptide betrokken is, zoals de ziekte van Alzheimer.


< Dipeptide inhibitors of .beta.-secretase

< Statine derivatives for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

> Presenilin associated membrane protein and uses thereof

> Passive immunization treatment of Alzheimer's disease

~ 00117