A new and distinct Floribunda rose plant is provided which forms in abundance attractive blossoms that are deep greyed-purple on the upper surface and ocher yellow on the under surface. Such flower coloration is considered to be rather unusual. The greyed-purple petal coloration on the upper surface is so dark that it sometimes appears to be almost black upon casual observation. The plant exhibits strong vegetation, a semi-erect growth habit, and dark green foliage with a glossy upper surface. The disease tolerance is good particularly with respect to Oidium. The new variety is well suited for growing as attractive ornamentation in parks and gardens.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Detergent composition

< Mini shrub rose plant named `Meisilimond`

> Blueberry plant named `Lucero`

> Method, system and message structure for electronically exchanging medical information

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