A computer-implemented process ad methodology that selects collateral instruments such as equipment leases, using mathematical models, based on selection criteria, risk-reward relationships, and maturity needs resulting in the creation of new financial instrument derivatives. These new derivatives allow for creation of secured private equity, public equity, mutual funds and venture capital funds where the investors' principal is safeguarded against loss regardless of the performance of the investments being made. A two-tier investment structure is created whereby the principal amounts from the fund are invested in specially identified high yield vehicles such as residual equipment leases with high yields over certain maturities. The high yield cash flow only is then invested in higher risk investments such as venture capital start-ups companies.

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< Method and system for dynamic pricing of web services utilization

< System and method for selecting securities for investment

> Cluster-based management of collections of items

> Machine learning automatic order transmission system for sending self-optimized trading signals

~ 00615