In at least one aspect, the invention provides an electronic device fabrication facility (Fab) that uses small lot carriers that may be transparently integrated into an existing Fab that uses large lot carriers. A manufacturing execution system (MES) may interact with the inventive small lot Fab as if the small lot Fab is any other Fab component in an existing large lot Fab without requiring knowledge of how to control small lot Fab components (e.g., beyond specifying a processing recipe). A small lot Fab according to the present invention may encapsulate the small lot Fab's internal use of small lot components and present itself to a large lot Fab's MES as if the small lot Fab is a component that uses large lot carriers.


< Electrode package attached to exterior of defibrillator

> Methods and apparatus for material control system interface

> Apparatus and method for thermal stabilization of PCB-mounted electronic components within an enclosed housing

~ 00550