The invention comprises a set of complementary techniques that dramatically improve enterprise search and navigation results. The core of the invention is an expertise or knowledge index, called UseRank that tracks the behavior of website visitors. The expertise-index is designed to focus on the four key discoveries of enterprise attributes: Subject Authority, Work Patterns, Content Freshness, and Group Know-how. The invention produces useful, timely, cross-application, expertise-based search and navigation results. In contrast, traditional Information Retrieval technologies such as inverted index, NLP, or taxonomy tackle the same problem with an opposite set of attributes than what the enterprise needs: Content Population, Word Patterns, Content Existence, and Statistical Trends. Overall, the invention emcompasses Baynote Search--a enhancement over existing IR searches, Baynote Guide--a set of community-driven navigations, and Baynote Insights--aggregated views of visitor interests and trends and content gaps.


< Method and system for exchanging data between a mobile phone and a PC

> Multimodal interface for mobile messaging

> Method for requesting and receiving an online payment through a payment enabler system

~ 00524