A system and method for generating an electrical signal for use in biomedical applications may have power efficient features, support battery powered operation and, support a reduced risk of shock hazard. The system may include a controller for generating one or more control signals operable to control pulse generating and waveform processing circuits. The control signals may include at least two states alternating in a chosen pattern as a function of time. During at least one of the control signal states, an oscillator for generating a pulsed signal may be operable. During at least another of the control signal states, the oscillator can be disabled and completely shut off in order to conserve considerable power. The generated pulses may be processed to provide desired intensity and frequency components. The processed signals may be applied to biological material.

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> siRNA targeting proto-oncogene MET

> C-Type Lectin Fold as a Scaffold for Massive Sequence Variation

~ 00521