Systems & Methods for Improving Academia is a Universal Open University, an on-line forum, exchange and market enabling all academic players to present their services and all learners to learn and receive qualifications. It is Universal, covering all students, all teachers, all players, all topics, all levels, all methods, all else. It is Open, to all learners, teachers and other players, no prerequisites, no traditional walls, no barriers. It is a University, facilitating all academic activities, aiming for excellence with a range of qualifications. Academic Players (AP) that can benefit from UOU include, Students, Parents, Professors, Tutors, Testing Services, Universities, Employers, Career Consultants, Rating Agencies, Associations, Unions, Governments, etc.


< Internet-based Pedagogical and Andragogical Method and System Using Virtual Reality

> Potty training liners

> Chalk holding device with light

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