Animal waste is contacted with an electrolyte containing the oxidized form of one or more reversible redox couples, produced electrochemically by anodic oxidation at the anode of an electrochemical cell. The oxidized forms of any other redox couples present are produced either by similar anodic oxidation or reaction with the oxidized form of other redox couples present and capable of affecting the required redox reaction. The oxidized species of the redox couples oxidize the organic waste molecules and are themselves converted to their reduced form, whereupon they are reoxidized by either of the aforementioned mechanisms. The redox cycle continues until all oxidizable waste species, including intermediate reaction products, have undergone the desired degree of oxidation. The entire process takes place between zero degrees centigrade and slightly below the boiling point of the electrolyte, avoiding formation of either dioxins or furans. Ultrasonic energy and/or ultraviolet radiation provide reaction enhancements.


< Tumor suppressor gene, p28ING5

> Thermal spray gun with improved thermal efficiency and nozzle/barrel wear resistance

~ 00497