An ankle-foot orthotic device comprising a main hinge assembly; ankle hinge assembly; two ankle pivot points; foot plate; lower leg housing member; upper leg housing member; and cable; wherein the main hinge assembly comprises a first elongated member, a second elongated member, and a locking lever; wherein the first elongated member comprises a gear and a unidirectional bearing; wherein a spring maintains the locking lever in an engaged position in which the teeth of the locking lever engage with the teeth on the gear, thereby maintaining the gear in a stationary position; wherein when the cable is pulled taught, the spring of the locking lever is compressed, and the locking lever is disengaged from the gear; wherein the ankle hinge assembly is situated above the heel portion of the foot plate; and wherein the cable connects the ankle hinge assembly to the locking lever.


< Elliptic motion exercise machine

> Dynamic rotary orthotic control system

~ 00481