The invention provides a method and system for producing an improved dressing product, useful for covering/protecting a moist wound. The dressing product comprising fibres of a spinnable polymer forming a twisted ribbon. By virtue of this twisting, the fibres, in particular at the periphery of the ribbon, are connected to one another so as to afford better mechanical cohesion and a smoother outer appearance, without affecting the action of absorption, dilation and gel formation for extracting the biological fluid, nor the action of retention of proteins and other cellular and bacterial waste matter which would impede the phenomenon of cicatrization. The ribbon twisting equipment comprises a conical bowl (1) for driving fibres in rotation with a twisting die (3) in its narrowed downstream part (2), and a means (4) for driving in rotation.


< Method and Means for Obtaining Platelet-Rich Plasma

> Micronized wood preservative formulations

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