In accordance with the invention, a method for increasing demand for a perishable item utilizing production capacity planning in a perishable asset production facility, such as a restaurant situation which allows for flexibility and production forecastability to determine a necessary number of new customers to balance demand with production capacity is provided. The determination is made as a function of raw material, labor availability, work in process, and food in holding cabinets (inventory) awaiting purchase. By monitoring this production capacity and the trend of sales, by utilizing probability theory, and expected sales in a given time interval necessary demand to optimize sales is predicted. It is then determined how large a geographical area containing potential customers, as function of predicted response rates, is to be notified in order for expected demand to meet expected production. The geographical area relative to the facility is determined and a message is sent to potential customers within the geographic area notifying them of the availability of the perishable items.


< Recycle station layout and system

> Plants With an Increased Production of Hyaluronan II

~ 00465