Method and apparatus for demonstrating hydrocephalus shunt implantation includes a fabricated body including a fill, a shell covering the fill and including respective torso, head, and valve openings formed in the shell, a simulated torso including the torso opening, and a simulated head including the head and valve openings. An implant includes an abdominal tube attached to the body within the torso opening and a ventricular tube attached to the body within the head opening. An insertion tube is selectively insertable and useable to thread each of the abdominal and ventricular tubes beneath the shell from the respective torso and head openings to the valve opening, for example, along a pocket of the body formed therebetween. The implant can further include a simulated valve connectible to respective free ends of the abdominal and ventricular tubes. The simulated valve can be passable into the body via the valve opening, and a flap can close the valve opening over the simulated valve.


< Method and apparatus for improved memory retention

> Method of Delivering a Test to a Candidate

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