A device for applying a thickened cleaning composition to a selected surface area that minimizes or eliminates any unintentional or excess application of the composition and/or minimizes or eliminates any spreading or wicking of the composition beyond the selected surface area after application. A dispensing device featuring the combination of a thickened cleaning composition having a specified rheology and a dispenser with one or more orifices of preferred cross-sectional area that enable convenient application of a cleaning composition to the selected region of a soft or hard surface. Additionally, the dispensing device features cleaning compositions having preferred wicking rates with respect to the treated surfaces so that only the selected stained or soiled region of the surface is effectively treated, as the cleaning compositions will not spread or wick into adjacent regions of the surface where damage may occur.

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< Frame based unidirectional flow prosthetic implant

> Honeycomb filter and ceramic filter assembly

~ 00465