Images that can have various subjects are formed by using the specific range of colors that the rainbow has. These images consist primarily of transparent, flexible, 3-D pictures which become even more beautiful when light is passed through them. Their size varies and they can be transferred from one surface to another, so they can be removed easily and leave the room exactly as it was before. They are accompanied: (a) by stories explaining the specific meanings of each color used in the picture and of each transfer from one color to the next; and (b) by other stimuli for the senses (audio-visual images, odors, tastes, etc. which try to give life to the theme of the image and give the viewer the sense that he or she is actually in the image). Their aim is to convert a negative space into a positive, and healing, one.


< Temporal vision modification

> Converting existing prior art fume hoods into high performance low airflow stable vortex fume hoods

~ 00462