An Ethiopian bread-making machine includes a polishing assembly, a batter application assembly, and a reciprocating collection/deposition assembly. The polishing assembly includes a polishing pad which may be positioned over the cooking surface when the cooking surface is not in use. When engaged, the polishing assembly applies the rotating polishing pad to the cooking surface so as to clean it prior to applying bread batter to the cooking surface. The batter application assembly is also positionable over the cooking surface, and includes a drive to rotate a batter supply line reciprocating nozzle carrier so that the batter is poured onto the cooking surface along an inwardly spiral path so as to generate a uniform circular pour of batter. Finally, the reciprocating collection/deposition assembly utilizes a reciprocating conveyor equipped with a spatula and coordinated conveyor rollers so as to remove the cooked bread wafer from the cooking surface at cook completion time for cooling, while simultaneously discharging a previously cooled wafer generated by this fully automated, cyclic process.


< Grease collection system for oven

> Roll-forming apparatus with sensor driven gates

~ 00460