A card-like apparatus may be used as a card, a bow, a decoration, or other item, and is preferably made from a single sheet having an interior central region in the shape of a regular polygon defined by fold lines between the central region and a plurality of extremity panels. The panels fold across and beyond the central region, forming an outer perimeter that represents a flower, plant, holiday novelty, animal, person, or other object or living thing. Decoration such as paint, print, artwork, or a portion of a picture may be added to the panels so that the folded panels further represent the object or living thing. Methods have been developed to dissect a whole picture and then to lay or copy sectors of the picture onto distal portions of the panels, so that upon folding of the panels, the distal portions are visible, over and beyond the central region, in positions wherein the picture comes together again as a whole.

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< Card shuffler

> Random number selector, and bingo game machine incorporating the same

~ 00453