There is disclosed an improvement to a system, apparatus, method, and computer program product relating to a novel events-notification activity occurring within computer network environments including SAN, NAS and client server environments. A user at a convenient, single user-interface location in a network is enabled to establish such activity by creating and deploying template software objects which are configurable with respect to both events of interest and genre of notifications of such events. Accordingly, such user, operating at the user-interface at a client or head-end station and employing such templates, can select: (1) which particular network-failure events (from complete failures to measured degradations), such as those occurring in peripherals including disk array storage devices, are to be reported; (2) to whom such events shall be reported, worldwide; and, (3) the mode of communication by which such events shall be reported such as email, telephone, pager, etc. In those instances where certain databases in storage devices of servers employed throughout the network may contain templates which present name/content conflicts with client database templates the events-notification activity is less effective than it otherwise would be. There is disclosed a system, apparatus, method, and computer program product for handling such conflicts and thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the events-notification activity. An alternative embodiment of this solution handles the scenario where multiple networks having multiple clients sharing particular servers create template name/content conflicts.


< Method and system for automated, no downtime, real-time, continuous data protection

> Presentation generator

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