An optical switch and optical storage loop are used as the basis of a single-photon source and a quantum memory for photonic qubits. To operate as a single-photon source, the techniques include a source of a pair of photons, such as a parametric down-conversion crystal, which is known to emit photons in pairs. The detection of one member of the pair activates the switch, which re-routes the other member into the storage loop. The stored photon is then known to be circulating in the loop, and can be switched out of the loop at a later time chosen by the user, providing a single photon for potential use in a variety of quantum information processing applications. To operate as a quantum memory for photonic qubits, a single-photon in an arbitrary initial polarization state is coherently stored in the loop, and coherently switched out of the loop when needed.


< Image pickup apparatus

> Tone allocation in multipoint-to-point communication using orthgonal frequency division multiplexing

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